Solution Architecture

Industrial-level dual-carbon energy solutions

The industrial-level plan mainly focuses on helping the region achieve dual carbon goals, including energy data management, energy structure optimization, dynamic carbon emission supervision, regional macro analysis, etc., to fully empower the region to achieve carbon reduction goals.

One-stop full energy data management: Its own property rights platform realizes stable and efficient access and supervision of energy data.

Centralized platform-wide energy efficiency application: Diversified and complex algorithm models and dynamic analysis of energy efficiency in application empowerment areas.

Innovative new energy asset planning: New energy construction based on artificial intelligence planning to optimize regional energy structure.

Leading Carbon Tracing System Operation: Custom carbon emission boundaries and algorithmic logic fully empower the accuracy of carbon tracing.

Scene Pain Point

Energy data is siled and lacks integration standards

Under the background of double carbon, the government cannot accurately analyze enterprise data and form an evaluation system

The implementation of smart city construction lacks real-time data support

Program Value

Extreme Entropy Technology deploys industrial-level dual-carbon energy solutions for large-scale energy asset owners, and realizes value-return-oriented energy digital management from all stages of consultation, planning, construction, and operation, and maximizes energy in a smart and green way. Maximize the return on value of energy assets.

Digital Energy Active Regulation

Energy structure optimal solution planning

Accurate positioning of energy consumption

Energy Network Integrated Scheduling

Double carbon energy management system operation

Accurate calculation of energy asset income


High Concurrency Energy Data Computing

Ensure the accuracy of massive data operations

Proactive Energy Baseline Management

Improve lean energy management

Autonomous flexible load regulation

Dynamically optimize energy efficiency

Application Scenario

· Typical industries and companies:

Government and institutions

Government departments, Park Management Committee 

· Typical pain points:

Digitized regulation of regional energy is weak

The proportion of regional energy cleanliness is low

Lack of accurate carbon emission calculation tools

· Typical value:

One-stop realization of energy digital supervision

Smart new energy structural adjustment

Diversified carbon emission measurement tool support

Customer Case

A city energy carbon data center

A city is a gathering place for high energy-consuming enterprises in Zhejiang, and there are more than 1,000 enterprises that urgently need to optimize energy consumption management

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